Trish Somers – Milk Poem 4

Though milk isn't the protagonist, it plays a strong supporting role. We'll count it.

The Joy of Spilled Milk 
by Trish Somers

“Unaccompanied Alien Child”
Gods gift to an oh so needy world
Cures for the diseases 
for which you only have treatments 
Solutions to the problems
for which your leaders 
are quietly desperate

There are not enough milk cartons
for all of their faces 
Their cereal bowls sitting in cupboards
as they now only see the faces of strangers
Their cereal bowls left empty

Empty as the tales she heard so many of
Empty as the decency she so clearly imagined
Empty as her arms aching for her only son  
crying in the loving arms of concertina wire  
The buzz from high tension power lines  
humming all their lullabies  
under lights that stay on all night

Please just one more chance
to cry over spilled milk
Tears of joy and happiness 
I would surely shed 
just for the chance to see him
spill his milk again
Crazy laughing 
when it comes out of his nose
We didn’t know it was the last time
We never even got to say good bye or adios 

Zero tolerance came and took them all away
Calling children alien while fortunes are made
from the ones they hold and use as “deterrents”

In the small hands of each child 
a piece to the puzzle of our fate is placed.

author bio: Trish also has poetry, essays, and debates with the editor of The American Dissident, a semi-annual print journal. She can be found online at Outlaw Poetry.


  1. Slone

    Hmm. Was kann ich sagen? I think a big problem is that perhaps many of us do not feel a damn thing for the faceless children who we’ve never seen, never met. Sure, I’d likely care if something terrible happened to a particular child with a name and face. Maybe I’m just a de-sentient humanoid? Apparently, Trish is different. But if she really cared, then, as I’ve told her before, perhaps she’d be down at the border helping out–handing out taxpayer funded diapers, food, etc. Over 200 dead from trying to cross illegally, thanks to Biden’s open borders policy! The Biden chaos has not yet reached here, where I am living, but I’m sure it’s on the way. The US can simply not afford to feed, house, and educate thousands (millions) of illegals. Only Cloud-Niners think it can or maybe they’re rather hoping to destroy democracy–the remnants of it we still have. BTW, I’m not against milk! I use it everyday in my cafecito! Keep on trucking’ Trish!!!
    G. Tod Slone, Ed.
    The American Dissident

    • Trish Somers

      August 10, 2021, 7:35 am
      How is it that the editor who calls me “OBSESSED” about these
      children would now post a comment suggesting I do not “really
      care”? Such a comment would make someone doubt whatever
      they even felt about the poem, assuming they felt anything at all,
      because it makes it seem like it doesn’t come from a sincere or
      good place.
      Back around March 2020 you told me there was no such thing as a
      “baby jail” and said I was on “cloud nine” among other things, when
      I first started debating you.
      The American Dissident issue #39
      I suggest you look into the $200-$800 daily fee per child paid
      to the for profit prison corporations and also non-profit
      organizations. All of this on your dime, your taxes fund this. It is
      a bit worse theing held in detainment are making anywhere between
      I would be curious to know if Mr. Slone has a turd in his back pocket
      when he says “we do not give a damn”. I would love to hear if you
      do or not, or what you think. Whether you do or do not give a damn,
      you will not get a hassle from me and I am not going to try and
      convince you of anything. You care what you care about. In fact,
      it seems like we do not even really get to decide that, it just is what
      it is.

  2. Kailey Miller

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    • Trish Somers

      EXACTLY! Thank you so much, Kailey. It is great to know there are some of us that get it,
      even if others seem to have some sort of empathy deficit or something. What they are
      doing flies in the face of what this country was built -for and with. The recipe’s right there on the
      Statue of Liberty herself. Perhaps they should just move her to a border crossing station .
      I always think of the passage you sent in, so it was really great to see it here. Thanks again:)

  3. Tricia,
    Well, I thought this country was built for slaves in accord with the 1619 Project! The fundamental problem is quite simple: the ideal vs. the reality. Unfortunately, the latter will/has turn/ed into chaos, beheadings, rapes, sex trafficking, fentanyl ODs, robberies, housing quandaries, feeding impossibilities, Corona outbreaks, 9/11s, etc. The former sounds nice, but it is not/cannot be the latter. Open borders is chaos, higher and higher taxes, higher and higher inflation, more and more Big Gov regulations and consequent less and less freedom. The bigger the population, the less power to individuals and consequent more power to Big Gov. And we end up inevitably with

    Elite Hypocrite Frauds
    Privileged socialist
    like Obama and his Hollywood worshippers…

    G. Tod Slone, Ed.
    The American Dissident

    • tricia

      Good Morning!

      I see. So, according to you, this is a country all about FREEDOM is it not? In fact unlike
      other countries, we have loved ones who have lost limbs, lost loved ones, lost their minds
      to the point that they are homeless in the richest country of the world, and even lost their
      lives in both literal AND figurative terms. And this was for what? Could it per chance be
      FREEDOM? It seems to me that to have jails for the children of people who came seeking
      freedom all across this country, from sea to shining see the tent freaking cities sea is
      nothing short of an abomination of everything this country was was WAS founded for.
      Not only was it founded for FREEDOM, but it was built by the very people who are
      in fact necessary and ESSENTIAL to sustain it. They are foundational. They bring to the
      table qualities that cannot be purchased with any amount of mere monetary wealth.
      People that have to overcome hardship just to get here already have America in their heart
      and soul in a way that people who are born here and have to do nothing to be here simply
      do not even understand. They already love this country because they have likely grown
      up being told that this is the place that embodies the values they hold dear. How do you
      suppose that would have happened? Well isn’t that what the US has built it’s brand on for
      over 200 years? So what was that a bait and switch? A trap? The jailing of any children,
      innocent or not, no matter who or where they are etc etc is an act that there is not even
      a bad enough word to describe it with. That it should happen on the land that our loved
      ones fought to have FREEDOM on is blasphemous, disrespectful and utterly disgusting.
      The fact that people are PROFITING and making fortunes doing it is beyond words and
      ought to really p** you off. You do not even reply to that point , which is par for the
      course with you isn’t it? This is the dance you do. I know I have been doing it over a year.
      I have plenty to say about the things in your reply, but I will simply keep making my point
      until you damn well reply to it. You think I do not have a thousand more things to say
      about my point until you finally answer it TRY ME! OMG friggin try me cos I have typed
      thousands upon thousands of words into a machine for the past five years about the
      outrage of this subject and I am just waiting. People that overcome huge or any obstacles
      at all love this country. People like you who were born here want to shut them out. That is
      foolhardy on it’s face and it is catastrophic for the country. Let me see if I can make you
      understand what I am saying MR CLARITY- People who just keeping getting back up no
      matter how many times you knock them down are EXACTLY what this country needs. MORE
      of them not less. People who already love this country (inexplicably these days) and manage
      to make it here because of their resolve, determination, and STAUNCHNESS the very thing
      you say is soooo important will not hurt your precious democracy, your democracy was
      in fact built by them and WiLL DIE without them. It is the people who are trying to keep them
      out that will in fact kill this country and you are helping them to kill it. RESEARCH your subject
      matter before you write things. You are helping to bring down FOS another thing you say you
      are all about because this is the very thing that gives them their excuse. It is the responsible thing
      to do and as I have told you countless times it is a minimum of courtesy to the person who
      will waste their time debating you, only to have you constantly ignore what they say as if it
      was never said. This is what politicians are so good at. They get asked a question and they
      just ignore and then go into their little mini speech saying whatever they want to say. You
      would make a good politician Mr. Slone . The cat’s chicken is burning and I really have to go
      -for now. I have a bunch of links I can add, if you can do that on here. Have a great day, ok?

  4. Trish

    How is it that the editor who calls me “OBSESSED” about these
    children would now post a comment suggesting I do not “really
    care”? Such a comment would make someone doubt whatever
    they even felt about the poem, assuming they felt anything at all,
    because it makes it seem like it doesn’t come from a sincere or
    good place.

    Back around March 2020 you told me there was no such thing as a
    “baby jail” and said I was on “cloud nine” among other things, when
    I first started debating you.
    The American Dissident issue #39

    I suggest you look into the $200-$800 daily fee per child paid
    to the for profit prison corporations and also non-profit
    organizations. All of this on your dime, your taxes fund this. It is
    a bit worse than diapers and food

    Here is your clarity clause, so you can understand, Mr. Slone :

    For profit prison corps and non profit organizations that have these
    children being held in detainment are making anywhere between

    I would be curious to know if Mr. Slone has a turd in his back pocket
    when he says “we do not give a damn”. I would love to hear if you
    do or not, or what you think. Whether you do or do not give a damn,
    you will not get a hassle from me and I am not going to try and
    convince you of anything. You care what you care about. In fact,
    it seems like we do not even really get to decide that, it just is what
    it is.

    Thanks .

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