Sophie Dufresne – Milk Poem 3

a poem about milk
by Sophie Dufresne

what is the meaning of milk?
if milk’s purpose is to feed animals, 
even humans,
who can find nutrients elsewhere, 
and have 100 vegan options,
then milk is useless.
cows did not suffer
for humans to take milk for granted. 
“don’t cry over spilled milk,”
those spoiled humans say,
as though cows did not cry
when their calves were not fed,
for their milk was stolen,
and sold for profit,
slave to capitalism
and greed of humanity.
the milk,
once warm and full of love,
soon becomes cold and heartless, 
the perfect beverage
for a hot summer day.
so close your eyes,
and let your parched lips be soothed 
by the frigid, almost silky
milk from your fridge.

author’s bio: Sophie is a full-time psychology college student at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada who developed a strong interest in reading and writing poetry ever since they read “Hope” by Emily Dickinson when they were in sixth grade. And no, they are not vegan, they love sushi and ice cream too much.